dvd george lucas

Strange Magic Movie

8:04 PMApril Clements

I am really excited to watch this movie with the kiddos... well most of them. My oldest son says hes getting to old for Disney Movies. UMMM excuse me son but is anyone ever really too old for Disney movies? NO I dont think so! Disney movies are ageless and classic!

Anyways... I was 1 of 25 who won a free copy of the DVD for participating in a Twitter Party hosted by @SocialMoms & co-hosted by @EnzasBargains

I love doing Twitter parties. I always have so much fun and usually learn a lot of new and interesting fact, tips, and tricks.

Thank you SocialMoms!

If you would like to know more make you click the link! 

From the mind of George Lucas... 

You know its going to be GREAT!

Strange Magic, a new animated film from Lucasfilm, is a madcap fairy tale musical inspired by A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Popular songs from the past six decades help tell the tale of a 
colorful cast of goblins, elves, fairies and imps, and their hilarious misadventures sparked by the battle over a powerful potion."



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