newyear newyearsresolutions

My New Years Resolutions

8:47 PMApril Clements

My New Years Resolutions Are As Follows..

#1. Learn to be just a little bit selfish.
#2. Fix my blog once and for all. Get all of the links in order.

#3. Go on a date with the hubby at least once a month! We seriously need it. It is so easy to get caught up with life and being just mom and dad that we forget that we are April & Josh. Man and wife. We need some more US time to remember that.

#4. Spend more time with my beautiful nieces (note to self; they think your awesome)
#6. Stop drinking so much Coca Cola. (note to self; one 2 liter a day is ENOUGH!)

#7. COFFEE.. DRINK MORE OF IT! (note to self; your not getting enough done... so definitely more coffee for sure) haha Preferably Starbucks... but im not THAT picky!

#8. My biggest goal for the New Year is to start consistently writing in my blog. All of my kids are in school now so I have a lot more time on my hands. I used to blog every day during the ages of 15-22 on Live Journal. Though many entries were private and most will never ever have access to that part of my life. I am doing the grown woman thing now ;). Dont need to revisit all of that. I love to write. It is a therapeutic outlet for me. I find that I learn more about myself that way. So that's one my goals for this year. No more sporadic posting on my blog. I want more consistency and maybe just maybe... people will like what I have to say and come back more often.

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