death rip

Rest In Peace Momma

6:39 PMApril Clements


Rest in Peace Momma! I will miss you and I will think of you everyday for the rest of my life. I am blessed and so grateful to have been able to speak to you the other day! We BOTH talked for an hour. That was the Lords doing. I believe that from the bottom of my soul. 

I still don't feel like it's real yet. How can you be gone? YOU! Your Super Momma... I even bought you the shirt that said it! Nothing could keep you down for long! You always got up and started all over again. You have always been larger than life in my eyes. 

Life is not guaranteed though. THAT is something I have truly learned now. I have so many wonderful memories of you! Singing in the car with your beautiful voice.  Swimming in the river with your grandkids. All the while your wearing rolled up jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes! I could go on forever! I will hold on to these memories. 

You left peaceably with your family and loved ones surrounding you! We are devastated from our loss. But you are in a better place than we are. I will see you again one day! 

I love you! Evelyn Clements



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